Sunday, March 28, 2010

ini aku ke??

entah xtau tibe2 mlm ni terase nk wat 1 entry..
entry yg agak pelik coz aq xpena tulis pasal ni kat mane2.. kate hlovate, putos fius ke?? huhu

hmm, sori klu sape yg bace ni rase boring or somthing,
coz i write this based on what i wanna say,
what i feel..

klu entry before2 ni, aq lbih byk tulis pasal orang len..
coz viewer la katekn! huhu..
but this time, i wanna b more honest, telus..huhu.. *poyo abes

aq slalu advice my friends, housemate, n kwan2 len..
dowg slalu de prob..
n pena gk aq tgh advice housemate aq, tibe2 die ckp die respect kat aq.. *bkn ckp besar ea..
die ckp sbb aq pndai control dri aq..
aq xpena kesah psal love, puppy love..
everything bout me is psal study, kawan, advice owg, n advice dri sndri..

so, this time entry, biarlah aq nk tulis somthing bout myself..
de yg aq bru findout act *pelik an? da dkat 20 thun idop, bru tau,,huhu..

1. aq suke dgr msalh owg, n try to fix it, but klu msalh sndri, aq akn bia berlonggok je tepi.. smpai da agk2 nk burst, aq gtau owg len, tu pon cipot je..

2. aq suke bace novel hlovate, for sure, bg byk aspiration kat aq..

3. aq suke music yg biase2..hmm, nk gtau genre die, xtau la plak..hmm, but band yg aq suke, among them ialah lifehouse(my most fav!), jimmy eat world, boys like girls, nicckleback..hmm pe lg??

4. aq xsuke gtau psal diri sndri kat owg, act, still de bnde yg aq xhonest..hehe..sori..

5. aq suke movie romantik..huhu..ahah..but no senset ok???

6. i put my family first in everything.

7. klu aq bengang, i love to be alone..mlas nk maki2, dosa yg ade pon xtertanggung, nk tambah lg?? aishhh..

8. aq suke pandang owg yg aq suke dri jauh, cukuplah bia die happy.. *ok, ni aq ke?

p/s : nk bli coklat tp malas nk keluar uma.. :(

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