Saturday, June 12, 2010

won't b around >>>

waa,,cam tak sangke pulak it has been quiet long i'm in Egypt ni.. n bile dikire n ditambah n ditolak, kire sbulan lbeh je lagi kat sini..rasenye mcm semalam je bru start klas yg first2 tu..insyaAllah, bulan depan kakiku akan dijejakkan kembali kat Malaysia! hehehh..dan bermulalah kisah ku yg akan bertapa 2 bulan kat Malaysia before blek sini..n that including hospital attach plak..hehe,,bz plak raseye nnt =)))

so, bile date nk balek Malaysia makin dekat, tu tandenya exam final pun makin dekat! huhhh... ya Allah! kuatkan hatiku.. seriously, this 1 month n half left kat sini will be very2 buzy for us to catch up n fix up everything we could before entering the exam hall. yup, definitely la, final will be much more tougher than before this. with our 3 moduls include patho n pharmaco, musculoskeletal system n immune system xditambah lg dgn minor subjek yg agk2 pelik sket..hehe (com. medicine) it gonna be really2 an exam mooOOdeee for us..hehe..

insyaAllah, our exam will be around 5-15 with that.. i'm declaring myself that insyaAllah...

i won't be around in neither fb nor here..insyaAllah..kuatkan hatiku xon9.. hehe..

huh2..doakan ye sape2 yg datang jenguk blog ni to pray for me for this final exam ni..huh, takut kot, nak tntukan for scholar..huhhh..

hurmm, tgh cuak2 ni, tekan2 sket, google sket, skali terjumpe gmbar ni..rase tenang sket..hehe

insyaAllah..tgh2 nk exam mood ni,,solat jgn tinggal ye.. insyaAllah diperbanyak solat lg..
*peringatan utk diri dan kwan2..hehe..

okla, azan maghrib da nk habis, slamat tinggal kwan2 on9 ku..salam..

p/s : budak2 tanta n cairo n russia tgh exam, meaning dowg blek awal! huh, xacik!
mlm ni england de match. nk tgk ke nk study?? aisehh, setan ni..ngacau plak..

Thursday, June 3, 2010

= skate =

yup! for this time entry.. it's all bout skate.. tau x?? (xtau xpe,nak bgtau lah ni..) i'm really really really crazy bout skate now!! huhu.. even skrg ni bile pergi San Stefano or Green Plaza or mana-mana pun.. the first things in my mind is nak survey skateboard..huhu.. mmg lah nk main tu mcm xde masa, but bile tgk skateboard tu mcm best je...

macam ni! terbang sana, terbang sini..hehe.. tapi bile pikir balik, macam susah lah pulak nak main kat negara macam ni, yg even bile kitaorang joging pun dah pandang pelik, nikan pula nak terkinja-kinja pula..huhu..but never mind lah.. in my mind right now.. i want..

this.. n yg kat atas atas tu..huhu..

tapi yg tu tu sume tu mahal.. :).. not suit for someone like me yg only beginner.. huh..but xpelah.. dreaming pun kire ok kn?? huhu..

p/s : nas, blek nnt kite men basket jom! huhu..